• Question: Whart type of grades do you need to become a scienctist

    Asked by balraj to Steve, Sian, Michaela, Louise on 15 Jun 2010 in Categories: . This question was also asked by lolliiex.
    • Photo: Louise Johnson

      Louise Johnson answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      Grades are much less important than persistence and curiosity, but you will have to get good enough grades to get in to university in the first place! Most unis ask for Bs at A level, but it depends on the uni and you can often get in through Clearing with less (especially for physics or chemistry where courses are undersubscribed).

      To do a PhD you need to get a decent result in your degree (a 2.i), but most people who are interested and work hard can get that.

    • Photo: Michaela Livingstone

      Michaela Livingstone answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      This depends on where you go – the better the academic reputation of the uni, the higher the grades you’ll need. At Sheffield uni, where I am now and where I did my undergrad you need AAB in A levels I believe (for Highers, its AAAB), including a science and I’m not sure that includes general studies.

    • Photo: Sian Harding

      Sian Harding answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      There are all types of scientists, and you can go on some courses e.g. for lab techs with Cs and Ds. In general its less difficult to get in than for medicine

    • Photo: Steven Kiddle

      Steven Kiddle answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      There are many universities, each of which offers science and each of which require different qualifications. I suspect you need at least C grades in science to continue it at university, but that’s a guess.
