• Question: what was the craziest thing that ever happened to you that was science related

    Asked by bella1e2max to Louise on 14 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Louise Johnson

      Louise Johnson answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      I did some fieldwork in the Appalachian mountains – real hillbilly country with people ACTUALLY chewing straws and wearing dungarees and straw hats with no shirts or shoes. I didn’t believe that really existed.
      My boss took the whole lab out there, and he stocked up on so much snacks and beer that the bank stopped his card thinking it must have been stolen! We’d get up at four a.m., count flowers and look for fungus until 10 am or so, and then amuse ourselves for the rest of the day, finishing with a bonfire most evenings. The whole thing was crazy but I especially remember when we invented a new darts game where you had to hang upside down from a tree branch while you threw the dart.
